Dissemination Socialization of Disagregation of PMTB 2018 Tebing Tinggi Municipality - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tebing Tinggi Municipality

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Dissemination Socialization of Disagregation of PMTB 2018 Tebing Tinggi Municipality

Dissemination Socialization of Disagregation of PMTB 2018 Tebing Tinggi Municipality

April 20, 2018 | BPS Activities

In line with the 2018 national priority of "Business and Tourism Development", "Improvement of investment climate and employment" program requires physical investment data or Gross Fixed Capital Formation (PMTB) disaggregated by institution and business field. To meet these needs, the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) conducts the Formulation of Gross Fixed Capital Formation Disaggregation (PMTB).

This PMTB data is very important, among others, to obtain a description of the net product from the results of a production process, as an illustration of the value of wealth obtained from the development results in a certain period and to calculate future investment needs.

On Friday, April 20, 2018, BPS-Tebing Tinggi Municapality has conducted Dissemination of PMTB Dissemination Socialization with related subject matter at Hotel Amanda Tebing Tinggi Municipality. Invited guests included local government, heads of related offices and representatives of several companies who have been selected to be respondents.

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